TUCOWS Kicks off New Software

Written by
October 19, 1999

October 19, 1999 - Toronto – TUCOWS.com Inc. today announced the latest addition to its network of software distribution sites: Kickoff. Located at: kickoff.tucows.com, developers can launch the latest version of their software for download off the global TUCOWS network. In conjunction with the kickoff, a weekly editorial and review section will be featured called “Dr. File Finder’s Picks”. This section will contain reviews of several new and interesting programs for users.

Initially the Kickoff software launches will take place every Monday and Thursday, featuring programs in the Windows platform. As the site traffic increases, the Kickoffs will expand to cover Linux, BeOS, and MacIntosh programs. Visitors will also have a chance to win the full version of the featured software during the product launch.

"The new Kickoff sites gives our developers a chance to debut their newest software. Our visitors are always looking for the latest software available and we are committed to delivering it to them," says Scott Swedorski, Editor-in-Chief for TUCOWS.com Inc. "With the TUCOWS Network currently having over 25,000 software programs, we need a site where attention can be brought to the newest products."

About Dr. File Finder

Michael E. Callahan, known around the world by the trademarked name “Dr. File Finder”, is regarded as the world’s leading expert on shareware. Dr. File Finder works with software programs and developers full-time, and in the average year he evaluates 10,000 programs. Since 1982 he has evaluated over 160,000 software and hardware products. He is an active member of the shareware community and a co-founder of the Shareware Industry Awards Foundation. Dr. File Finder is also a recipient of the 1993 Shareware Industry Award for lifetime achievement.

About Tucows.com Inc.

With offices in New York City, Flint, Michigan and Toronto, Canada, Tucows.com (The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software) is one of the largest Internet distribution sites featuring Windows®, Macintosh®, Linux® and PDA software. Tucows.com was founded in 1994 as a public service to new Internet users. Today the privately owned and operated Tucows.com offers an array of electronic downloaded software programs that can be accessed at over 600 affiliates in six continents, in over 75 countries world-wide. The site serves more than 70 million pages per month, making Tucows.com one of the busiest sites on the Internet.

Contact Info:
Charmaine D'Silva
Public Relations Manager
TUCOWS.com Inc.
(work) 416-239-9095 X240
(cell) 416-824-8374

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