Tucows Inc. Adds Return Path Email Feedback Loop to OpenSRS Email Service

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October 15, 2009

TORONTO, Oct. 15 – Tucows Inc. (AMEX:TCX, TSX:TC) a global provider of domain names, email and other Internet services, announced today that it has added an email feedback loop (FBL) service in partnership with Return Path, the leader in email reputation services. The addition of this FBL further demonstrates Tucows’ commitment to making the Internet, and email in particular, both easier and more effective.

Through OpenSRS, its wholesale Internet services division, Tucows provides and manages millions of mailboxes on behalf of its network of over 9,000 resellers around the world.

“Our new feedback loop will reduce unwanted inbound spam hitting our users’ inboxes by providing an effective complaint system that provides data from those end users directly to ISPs and other senders allowing them to take action to reduce spam being sent from their systems,” said Garrick Lau, Manager, IT Security and Compliance, Tucows Inc.

“Partnering with Return Path keeps us connected with the largest email providers around the world as we work together on improvements to the FBL standard and best practices,” continued Lau. “Return Path’s expertise in email deliverability and extensive partnerships in the email community allow us to maximize the effectiveness of our newly created FBL.”

The Return Path FBL service provides authorized email senders who have chosen to participate in the feedback loop with a copy of any message that recipients have reported as spam. End users of OpenSRS Email Service are able to easily report spam by simply pressing a “Mark as Spam” button in their web-based email interface.

Tucows, through Return Path, provides the feedback loop to service qualified email senders, so those senders can both identify customers who no longer want to receive similar mail, and quickly recognize problems originating from their networks, such as virus-infected, spam-producing computers.

“Feedback loops help both email senders and email receivers (ISPs) make email better for consumers,” said Alex Rubin, VP, Business Development, Return Path. “They help senders by giving them actionable information they can use to improve their email programs and reduce complaint rates. Feedback loops also help receivers by making it possible to get their customers removed from email lists they no longer value. Feedback loops help eliminate unwanted email for everyone: senders, receivers and most importantly, end-users.”

About Tucows

Tucows is a global Internet services company. OpenSRS manages over 8 million domain names and millions of email boxes through a reseller network of over 9,000 web hosts and ISPs. Hover is the easiest way for individuals and small businesses to manage their domain names and email addresses. YummyNames owns premium domain names that generate revenue through advertising or resale. Butterscotch.com is an online video network building on the foundation of Tucows.com. More information can be found at http://tucowsinc.com.

About Return Path

Founded in 1999, Return Path helps commercial email senders get more email delivered to the inbox. Our tools and services give senders the insight and resources to diagnose and prevent email deliverability and rendering failures by improving and maintaining their email sending reputations. Our Professional Services division then helps our client improve ROI and response by creating consistent and compelling subscriber experiences across the email customer lifecycle. Return Path runs the internet’s most widely used third-party whitelist, the Return Path Certification Program. Return Path also invented the Sender Score, an email reputation measure based on data contributed by ISPs and other receivers of large volume email into the Return Path Reputation Network. We offer free access to our Sender Score to any sender, receiver or consumer of email at our reputation portal: www.senderscore.org. Information about Return Path can be found at www.returnpath.net.

For further information:

Le Quan Truong, Tucows Inc.
Director of Marketing
(416) 535-0123 ext. 1238

Tami M. Forman, Return Path
Director of Corporate Communications
(212) 905-5500 ext 205

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