Good Ajax Reading

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September 21, 2006

Zimbra's message and collaboration clients represent some of the latest innovations in Ajax web applications, so when they talk about Ajax development on their blog, it's worth reading. Here are some articles that caught my eye.



  • OSCON AJAX Slides. Kevin Henrikson's slides from his OSCON 2006 presentation, Ajax Optimization Techniques, in both PowerPoint and PDF formats.


  • Ajax impact on server scaling. Some thoughts on the architecture of Ajax as a “husky” client (between “thin” and “fat”, where the network boundary between client- and server-side code is defined by the application programmer).


  • Securing Ajax. Some security advantages and considerations for Ajax applications.


  • Look Ma, No Mouse. In which they talk about how the Kabuki Ajax toolkit let them add keyboard shortcuts to the Zimbra Collaboration Suite.

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